
Who We Support:

RedBird Missions

Each year, NBUMC sends a team to support the Red Bird Mission and Clinic in the distressed area of Appalachia in Kentucky.  Chronic poverty, lack of jobs, poor housing, and rugged mountainous terrain provide obstacles to a fuller life for the residents of this area.  Work Camp strives to provide home repair for low-income community residents and maintenance for Mission buildings and grounds.

This year’s annual Kentucky Workcamp trip is scheduled for the week of September 27rd -October 8th.  The cost is $475 per person.  Our 2020 team members include: Gary Crawley, Judy Munson, Karen Bakos, Rob Clark, Angela Clark, Pastor Mike Shearon, Holly Shearon, Marian Williams, and Basil Williams.

MUST Ministries

A powerful, volunteer-driven organization, MUST addresses the basic needs of individuals, families and children with facilities in the Cobb and Cherokee counties and programs in numerous other counties.

What We Collect:

-Blankets and Coats (new and gently used) -MUST Ministries

-Manufacturer’s Coupons (current and expired)-U.S. commissaries overseas